In 2013, I went through training to become certified as a Christian Healing Prayer Minister. The final and fourth level of training was in demonic deliverance.
Having come from a background in the occult, I am familiar with the demonic realm. I have also been given the gift of deep spiritual discernment. Most importantly, I operate in the authority given to me from Jesus Christ, through His Holy Spirit.
Because of these things, God continues to bless me with success in spiritual warfare and deliverance for myself, my home and with clients. It is certainly not something I seek after, nor is it pleasant, but we are all in a war, whether we realize it or not. In our flesh, we are not match for these supernatural beings but for a Believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit, in Christ, we can do all things.
Although demonic deliverance is still in my tool bag, I now approach it in a much different manner, with the work still being through the Holy Spirit, and in the Authority in Christ Jesus but the majority of my focus is now on the mind and the person's identity; who they believe themselves to be.
The main battle with demons takes place in our thought life. The greatest weapon of warfare against the enemy, the world, and our flesh/fallen nature is an intimate and submitted relationship with Jesus. He is the culmination of every piece of our spiritual armor spoken of in the sixth chapter of Ephesians, beginning in verse 10. It is the Name of Jesus, and only Him, the evil ones must submit to.
The Christian deliverance ministries, in general, have gotten a bad reputation through misuse and misrepresentation of what this ministry should be. Many Christians are lopsided in their thinking; completely dismissing the demons as non existing, not a threat or seeing a devil behind every bush.
Because a large majority of Christian churches will not approach the subject of the demonic realm, people who are suffering under demonic bondage and oppression are often seeking help in occult practices, as well as, from exorcists in the Catholic churches.
Many cases of mental illness, cutting, suicidal tendencies, rage, health issues, depression and much more, are often rooted in the demonic realm. Freedom and healing can come through the proper approach with each person but it must be handled in the Wisdom of God, His Love and through His Holy Spirit. As important to note is that there is SO MUCH more to our freedom than merely getting delivered, and the Bible warns against this dire risk.
"Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came'; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first." ~Matthew 12:43-45
There is a difference between demonic oppression and possession. A Believer in Christ Jesus who is filled with His Holy Spirit cannot, under any circumstances, be fully possessed by a demon(s). Demonic oppression, however, is common in the community of Believers and unbelievers alike.
Satan cannot touch us or the circumstances in our lives without God's permission, for He is Sovereign. God allows this for our refining and the ongoing transformation of our character, as well as, to deepen our faith and bring Himself Glory through the outcome.
Regarding the evil that occurs in this world, God has given human's free will. It is the wicked people, under the influence of their fallen nature/flesh and the demons that deliver the evil. This world is Satan's kingdom and dominion and it will remain that way until the culmination of the book of Revelation takes place.
I encourage you to study the book of Job in the Old Testament to better understand how God permits and limits Satan's domain.
"For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver." ~Psalm 66:12
The enemy can also have access to us personally through some of the following ways:
Willful acts of disobedience/sin.
Occult dabbling and practices.
Bringing occult objects into our home; wearing them on our person.
Agreement with the lies we believe.
Participation in cults.
All of these access points and behaviors originate from our fallen nature, known as the "flesh" and/or from the wounded, unhealed areas of our soul and false mindsets. This is where the enemy accesses us.
Two recommended reads are, "Victory over the Darkness" and "The Bondage Breaker," both by Neil Anderson.
"Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." ~Galatians 5:1
If you are suffering and would like to learn more about this, please contact me, 505.480.3797. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please contact the National Hotline for Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention 800.273.TALK (8255)